Leave a Review

App Icon Apple Podcasts

How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

  1. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, or click the icon above.
  2. Find the Fully Vetted podcast page by searching for it or, if you are already subscribed, by selecting it from your library.
    • Note: Make sure you are on the podcast home page that shows all available episodes. You won't be able to submit a rating if viewing a single episode.
  3. Scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews."
  4. Next to "Tap to Rate," tap the number of stars you want to assign as your rating. Then tap the "Write a Review" link to submit your comments.
Podchaser - Fully Vetted

How to leave a review on Podchaser

  1. Click here or on the icon above.
  2. In the header on the right side, click on the stars.
    • Note: You will have to sign in or set up a Podchaser account.
  3. In the message box that appears, tap on the number of stars you want to assign as your rating.
  4. Type a review in the text box (optional).
  5. Click the "Save" button to submit your rating and review.