How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts
- Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, or click the icon above.
- Find the Fully Vetted podcast page by searching for it or, if you are already subscribed, by selecting it from your library.
- Note: Make sure you are on the podcast home page that shows all available episodes. You won't be able to submit a rating if viewing a single episode.
- Scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews."
- Next to "Tap to Rate," tap the number of stars you want to assign as your rating. Then tap the "Write a Review" link to submit your comments.
How to leave a review on Podchaser
- Click here or on the icon above.
- In the header on the right side, click on the stars.
- Note: You will have to sign in or set up a Podchaser account.
- In the message box that appears, tap on the number of stars you want to assign as your rating.
- Type a review in the text box (optional).
- Click the "Save" button to submit your rating and review.